DAR (Ontario Chapter)
Ontario Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution conducts its meeting on the 2nd Saturday during the months of April, May, June, September, October, November. Meetings are held at the Half-Shire Historical Society at 1:00pm. A luncheon is served from 12:00 to 1:00pm.
Ontario Chapter Officers
Regent, Historian, Librarian - Marilee Rayome Phone: (315) 599-7220 Email: Ontariodar@protonmail.com
Vice Regent, Recording Secretary - Lorraine Gregory Phone: (315) 963-3175 Email:landmarkquilt@gmail.com
Chaplain, Treasurer -Priscilla Thibault Phone:(315) 298-3623 Email: navydoc@aol.com
Registrar, Corresponding Secretary - Cynthia Stanton Phone: (315) 625-7476 Email: cynthiastanton2010@gmail.com